counter hit xanga Hershey's and nutella Milkshake ideas

Hershey's and nutella Milkshake ideas

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Hershey's and nutella Milkshake.

You can have Hershey's and nutella Milkshake using 6 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Hershey's and nutella Milkshake

  1. You need of Hershey bar.
  2. You need of milk.
  3. You need of I pint of Choclate ice cream.
  4. It's of nutella.
  5. Prepare of cherry.
  6. It's of Whipped cream.

Hershey's and nutella Milkshake step by step

  1. Put the nutella,hershey's bar, milk and ice cream in a blinder.
  2. Mix on high do 2 minutes or until it has a thick constancy.
  3. Put in a cup and top it of with whipped cream and a cherry.