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Choco date milkshake inspiration

Delicious Recipes Collection especially Western Recipes

Choco date milkshake. The ultimate in retro comfort food, milkshakes are actually very easy to make at home. Chocolate milkshake recipe with step by step photos - easy and quick recipe to prepare delicious I wanted to share chocolate milkshake recipe from a long time. Finally made the recipe and took video.

Choco date milkshake Pour chilled milk into a blender jar. Add vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream. If you like more chocolaty flavor, add chocolate ice cream. You can cook Choco date milkshake using 4 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Choco date milkshake

  1. It's of date.
  2. It's of vanilla ice cream.
  3. It's of milk.
  4. It's of cocoa powder.

Chocolate shake recipe - Delicious, thick and creamy chocolate milkshake recipe using cocoa powder. Chocolate shake is loved by most kids and mine are no different. Create some great milkshake memories at home. (For a non-dairy alternative As a non-dairy alternative, use soy milk and soy ice cream. Triple Chocolate Milkshakes for Chocoholics - Pint Sized Baker.

Choco date milkshake step by step

  1. Remove the date seed and soak it for 2hrs until its soft.
  2. Add the soaked date in a blender then pour the milk and the ice cream.
  3. Then add the cocoa powder and blend till smooth.
  4. Serve and enjoy.

These Triple Chocolate Milkshakes are just what your chocoholic sweettooth is craving! Chocolate milk, chocoalte ice cream. Шоколадный милкшейк. Chocolate Milkshake Recipe - This is thick chocolate shake made with chocolate syrup, milk and ice cream. It tastes same as the one you get at fast food joints. Let's take out our BlendJet One portable blender and make an amazing Chocolate Milkshake!